The Alberta Cladding and Decking Association represents the majority of this provinces installation and contracting companies that specialize in the application of Exterior Building Facades and Structural Metal Deck. The organization provides to its members a forum and opportunity to put together its resources for the betterment of our industry.
Our industry is responsible for the majority of products that are installed on building facades from high end architectural applications to industrial style buildings, along with structural metal roof and floor deck. The main priority of all of our members is to provide building owners and architects with high quality products in combination with high quality workmanship to meet today’s demanding building standards.
As the province of Alberta has evolved from a pioneering frontier into a sustainable and leading edge energy producer in Canada, the demands of architectural and building envelope applications have increased. The overall complexity along with the aesthetic requirements demanded by todays sophisticated architects, engineers, and designers has placed demands on our members to be competitive and efficient with a broad product base along with and most importantly a highly trained and skilled workforce.

Our Vision
Our Association is firmly dedicated in collaborating with its members to provide and work towards the establishment of an Apprenticeship Training Program. We will continue to work with our stakeholders to progress our industry towards an advocacy role with government agencies and industry related organizations.